Monday, November 21, 2016

Mother's Day 2015 and 2016 ~

I can not even begin to explain how much I love being a mother!  There are really hard days where I would like to just throw in the towel, days I go to bed completely exhausted (ok, most days) and days where I feel so completely full of love that I couldn't imagine my heart could hold anymore.  These children, God's children, my children, have given me so much!  I would not want my life to be any different ~ they COMPLETE me, they give me HOPE, they fill me with LIFE.  Thankful for a God who believes in me and chose me to be their MOM.   Thankful for a husband who chose ME to be his wife and is sharing in this journey with me.  

 Mother's Day 2015
 Mother's Day 2016

 We went hiking out on a farm

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